Foreign Policy: The U.S. Will be an Exemplary Global Citizen

While not perfect, the United States has long been an active global citizen. We will seek to curtail economic globalization, but our foreign policy will not be isolationist. Additionally, national economies need not and should not be in competition with one another.

The U.S. will support and defend all nations whose sovereignty is under attack, or whose human rights are being violated.

The U.S. will support and assist with funding to improve:

  • Women’s equity and education
  • Family planning (including free and convenient contraception) (Goodbye to the “Global Gag Rule”)

The U.S. will not:

  • Engage in any further colonial or imperial activities
  • Support aid to nations that puts them in unreasonable debt

Ukraine and Russia
We'll support NATO and Ukraine against Russia, and will call for the rapid accession of Ukraine. We favor a conditional expulsion or censure of Hungary from NATO for supporting Russian aggression. The US will work with President Zelenskyy to provide humanitarian and weapons support to Ukraine, but will not "put boots on the ground" nor will the US provide nuclear weapons. The goal of this and all of our foreign policies is the promotion of peace and good will, defense and promotion of human rights, and defense of all nations’ sovereign borders. In this and in all foreign policy arenas I will appoint career diplomats to advise and to carry out policy. 

Taiwan and China
I support a "two china" policy, recognizing the de facto political and economic sovereignty of the island of Taiwan, despite China’s long-held claim that Taiwan is Chinese.

Israel and the Middle East
The US is and always has been Israel's greatest friend and this will not change under my administration. At the same time, we will strive to ensure the Palestinians do not suffer human rights abuses. Israelis and Palestinians both have a right to a peaceful coexistence. The missiles must stop flying.

Saudi Arabia should not get a pass on crimes. Revenues from oil tariffs will be used to make the US independent of middle east oil, with the goal of eliminating fossil fuel use in the US by 2035. Under the Gardner administration, relations with Iran will go through a healing process.  

Latin America and Canada
I support decreasing the trade gap with Canada, which currently accounts for 17.5% (2021) of all US exports. Dave favors a new look at the Monroe Doctrine with respect to Latin America, aiming for a more equitable balance between foreign aid and immigration policy. Latin American countries will continue to enjoy the essential and historical military protection of the US, but not without strong efforts to end drug trafficking and illegal immigration. We will fund and empower the DEA to stem the tide of corruption in Mexico and sever the ties between cartels and organized crime in the US.  

I support a strong NATO and a secure Europe. We will work with European leaders and the EU to begin the process of shrinking the global economy. Europe has taken an admirable lead in this, but the U.S. will catch up. The U.S. will continue to stand with Europe against aggression by Russia. 

The African continent has been disproportionally affected by climate change. The US will work to reverse dead planet decisions so that Africa can return to the friendly climate that gave rise to humanity. Trade in gold, diamonds and rare elements from Africa will be strictly prohibited as long as it depends on child abuse and other corrupt practices. Humanitarian aid to regions affected by climate change will continue under a Gardner administration.

India and Southeast Asia 
The US and India share a commitment to democracy and the rule of law, and together the US and India have always worked to the mutual goals of global peace and security. But India is responsible for adding tens of billions of dollars to the US economy, therefore Dave will be seeking cooperation from President Modi to peacefully and rapidly shrink our mutual impact on the planet by curtailing wasteful trans-oceanic trade and using the saved resources to foster our local economies on both sides. 

Since the cataclysmic end of World War II, Japan has skyrocketed to global financial leadership. But a super-sized economy is the new global enemy, and now threatens Japan, the U.S. and the globe. Japan will be a leading player in my plan to shrink the global economy and save the planet for our grandchildren. 

Australia and the Pacific
Some Australian leaders recognize the fallacy of unlimited growth, seeing for themselves the effect on its fragile ecosystems. The U.S. will work with such leaders to build a global coalition to shrink the economy, end fossil fuel use, scale back destructive mining, and protect ecosystems world-wide, starting with the Great Barrier reef.