Endorse Dave!

These smart people have endorsed Dave’s campaign for president. These are not organizational endorsements. Please add your endorsement.

William ReesWilliam E. Rees
Professor Emeritus and former Director, University of British Columbia, School of Community and Regional Planning, originator of ecological footprint analysis


Nandita Bajaj
Executive Director, Population Balance


Paul SuttonPaul Sutton
Professor, Department of Geography and the Environment, University of Denver


Sarah M. Bexell, PhD
Faculty Director, Center for Sustainability; Clinical Associate Professor, Graduate School of Social Work; University of Denver;
Director of Humane Education, Institute for Human-Animal Connection

Terry Spahr
Producer of the film, 8 Billion Angels; Executive Director, Earth Overshoot


Phoebe BarnardPhoebe Barnard, PhD
Global change scientist, policy strategist, African national development specialist, lead author of World Scientists’ Warnings Into Action: Local to Global; Co-founder, Stable Planet Alliance; Co-founder/co-leader, Global Restoration Collaborative; Co-founder, GirlPlanet.Earth – global women speak on planetary health; Affiliate Professor, Conservation Science and Environmental Futures, University of Washington -Center for Environmental Politics; Associate, University of Cape Town: African Climate and Development Initiative and FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology; Alliance of Leading Environmental Researchers & Thinkers


Please join this list!

Mike Skylark – “Dave Gardner has THE BEST political program I've ever seen in my life! His plan is to take an entire nation AWAY from EGO-CENTRIC status quo towards ECO-CENTRIC society. The one that takes us AWAY from ecological overshoot and we STOP harming the planet. The start of a TRUE revolution of the 21st century! Follow his social media accounts to see HOW he's gonna do it and JOIN the ride!”

Clifton Ware – “Dave and his sensible sustainability presidential campaign platform is the only combination capable of saving what's left of  planet Earth. Dave and his platform deserve wide exposure and positive responses from as many American voting citizens as possible.”

Troy Schacht – “Dave is the only candidate making the elephant in the room, the footprint of humanity, the priority of his goals.  And he has pledged to dropout and support the left before becoming a potential spoiler.”

Isaac Tate – “Dave is one of the only presidential candidates I have seen who is not making promises that are impossible to keep. He is also the only candidate I have ever seen who's actually willing to prevent the catastrophes that are scientifically proven to happen within a decade due to human activity on the environment. Voting Dave for president might be the biggest thing you as an individual can do to prevent this planet from potentially coming to an end.”

Warren Burrows – “This is the best State of the Union Address that is urgently needed but will not be given either by Biden or at the Democratic Convention, and certainly not at the Republic Convention. I am hoping against hope that Biden will step aside at the Democratic Convention, or at least allow the convention to be open and that all comers, with the proper credentials, will be allowed to throw their hat in the ring, included Biden. Lets see who has the best vision for the future and the best plan. Just like in 1860 when the "Republican" convention of 1860 was held. It was a wild show requiring three ballots before Lincoln was nominated. And guess what? We eventually got a pretty good result then. Lets do the same this time around. And yes, at the least, I would love to hear Dave give his speech at the next open Democratic Convention.”

Mike Hanauer – “Population is the multiplier of virtually every problem we face.”

Ready to Endorse Dave Gardner for President?

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Unless otherwise indicated in your submission, we will consider your endorsement as permission to use on this website, literature, and newspaper articles.


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